# cmake-cmocka-template A template for C and CPP programming that makes use of the cmocka unit testing framework in addition to the CMAKE build system. ## Requirements ## Resources ## Contributions ## Directory Overview It's focused on wide compatibility with multiple systems and setup for vim usage.. ├── build ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── docs ├── inc ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── setup.sh ├── src │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   └── main.c ├── tdd.sh └── tests └── CMakeLists.txt 5 directories, 8 files ## Scripts There are two scripts setup inside the project directory: **tdd.sh** Uesd to preform the needed commands to build, test and debug the project. **setup.sh** Used to install the projects dependencies and automate needed setup. Also removes example code when requested.