#!/bin/sh #Author: Jake G #Date: 2024 #Filename: setup.sh PKG_MNGR="" DEBIAN=0 FBSD=0 DEV_UTILS="vim tmux fzf" install_dev_utils () { ICMD="" if [ $DEBIAN -eq 1 ]; then ICMD="sudo apt install" elif [ $FBSD -eq 1 ]; then ICMD="sudo pkg install" fi for util in $DEV_UTILS do ${ICMD} ${util} done } check_os () { if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then DEBIAN=1 elif [ -f /etc/freebsd-update.conf ]; then FBSD=1 fi } remove_template_examples () { echo "does nothing right now" } install_needed_dependencies () { # Check the OS echo "checking the OS..." # If it's debian based then apt install # If it's freeBSD then pkg # If it's windows....you're SOL } create_project_symlinks () { # Allows the clangd LSP to find it. ln -s ./build/compile_commands.json ./compile_commands.json } build_cpputest () { git submodule add https://github.com/cpputest/cpputest.git touch build cd ./build make #TODO: finish this function } # The default setup stuff. default () { remove_template_examples install_needed_dependencies create_project_symlinks } setup() { echo "Setting up env" check_os install_dev_utils } setup