/* * Author: username * Date: todays_date * filename: test_LedController.c * description: module_purpose */ #include "CppUTest/CommandLineTestRunner.h" extern "C" { #include "LedController.h" } TEST_GROUP(test_LedController) { void setup() { } void teardown() { } }; TEST(test_LedController, selftest) { CHECK_TRUE(true); } TEST(test_LedController, LedSetHighWorks) { uint8_t fake_port = 0x00; Led fake_led; fake_led.port = &fake_port; fake_led.pin_num = 0; fake_led.state = false; LedController_SetHigh(&fake_led); //Check that it sets the correct bit. CHECK_TRUE(fake_port & 0x01); //It should set the state to true. CHECK_TRUE(fake_led.state); //Only the first bit should have been set CHECK_TRUE(fake_port == 0x01); } TEST(test_LedController, LedSetHighMaintainsPortState) { uint8_t fake_port = 0x00; Led fake_led; fake_led.port = &fake_port; fake_led.pin_num = 0; fake_led.state = false; Led led_two; led_two.pin_num = 1; led_two.port = &fake_port; led_two.state = false; LedController_SetHigh(&fake_led); LedController_SetHigh(&led_two); CHECK_TRUE(fake_port & 0x01); CHECK_TRUE(fake_port & 0x02); } TEST(test_LedController, LedSetLow) { uint8_t fake_port = 0x01; Led fake_led; fake_led.port = &fake_port; fake_led.pin_num = 0; fake_led.state = true; LedController_SetLow(&fake_led); CHECK_EQUAL(0x00, fake_port); CHECK_EQUAL(false, fake_led.state); } /* * what's the best way to handle an array of 8 leds. Should they * reside in a structure? Or should it just be an array that the user defines? */ TEST(test_LedController, NewLedByte) { uint8_t fake_port = 0x00; LedByte led_byte = LedController_New(&fake_port); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ CHECK_TRUE(led_byte.leds[i].state == false); CHECK_EQUAL(&fake_port, led_byte.leds[i].port); CHECK_EQUAL(false, led_byte.leds[i].state); } } TEST(test_LedController, LedByteDisplay) { uint8_t fake_port = 0x00; uint8_t byte = 0xFF; LedByte led_byte = LedController_New(&fake_port); LedController_ShowByte(&led_byte, byte); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ CHECK_TRUE(led_byte.leds[i].state); } CHECK_EQUAL(0xFF, fake_port); } TEST(test_LedController, LedByteDisplayPattern) { uint8_t fake_port = 0x00; uint8_t byte = 0xAA; LedByte led_byte = LedController_New(&fake_port); LedController_ShowByte(&led_byte, byte); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ if(byte & (1<