
344 lines
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// Monte Carlo simulation of a snowball fight:
// system includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// CUDA runtime
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
// Helper functions and utilities to work with CUDA
#include "helper_functions.h"
#include "helper_cuda.h"
// setting the number of trials in the monte carlo simulation:
#define NUMTRIALS 1024
#define BLOCKSIZE 8 // number of threads per block
// ranges for the random numbers:
//#define PROJECT1
#ifdef PROJECT1
const float TXMIN = -10.0; // truck starting location in feet
const float TXMAX = 10.0; // truck starting location in feet
const float TYMIN = 45.0; // depth distance to truck in feet
const float TYMAX = 55.0; // depth distance to truck in feet
const float TXVMIN = 10.0; // truck x velocity in feet/sec
const float TXVMAX = 30.0; // truck x velocity in feet/sec
const float SVMIN = 10.0; // snowball velocity in feet/sec
const float SVMAX = 30.0; // snowball velocity in feet/sec
const float STHMIN = 10.0; // snowball launch angle in degrees
const float STHMAX = 90.0; // snowball launch angle in degrees
const float HALFLENMIN = 20.; // half length of the truck in feet
const float HALFLENMAX = 20.; // half length of the truck in feet
const float TXMIN = -10.0; // truck starting location in feet
const float TXMAX = 10.0; // truck starting location in feet
const float TXVMIN = 15.0; // truck x velocity in feet/sec
const float TXVMAX = 35.0; // truck x velocity in feet/sec
const float TYMIN = 40.0; // depth distance to truck in feet
const float TYMAX = 50.0; // depth distance to truck in feet
const float SVMIN = 5.0; // snowball velocity in feet/sec
const float SVMAX = 30.0; // snowball velocity in feet/sec
const float STHMIN = 10.0; // snowball launch angle in degrees
const float STHMAX = 70.0; // snowball launch angle in degrees
const float HALFLENMIN = 15.; // half length of the truck in feet
const float HALFLENMAX = 30.; // half length of the truck in feet
// these are here just to be pretty labels, other than that, they do nothing:
#define IN
#define OUT
// function prototypes:
float Ranf( float, float );
int Ranf( int, int );
void TimeOfDaySeed( );
cudaError_t e = cudaGetLastError();
if(e != cudaSuccess)
fprintf( stderr, "Cuda failure %s:%d: '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(e));
// degrees-to-radians:
Radians( float d )
return (M_PI/180.f) * d;
//Global means gpu and callable from cpu
MonteCarlo( IN float *dtxs, IN float *dtys, IN float *dtxvs, IN float *dsvs, IN float *dsths, IN float *dhalflens, OUT int *dhits )
//Not sure about this, as it's differnt in the project video.
//__shared__ int numHits[BLOCKSIZE];
//unsigned int numItems = blockDim.x;
//unsigned int wgNum = blockIdx.x;
//unsigned int tnum = threadIdx.x;
unsigned int gid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
dhits[gid] = 0;
//Get stuff based off the gid/thread.
// randomize everything:
float tx = dtxs[gid];
float ty = dtys[gid];
float txv = dtxvs[gid];
float sv = dsvs[gid];
float sthd = dsths[gid];
float sthr = Radians(sthd);
float svx = sv * cos(sthr);
float svy = sv * sin(sthr);
//I don't see anythign of the half len so I put this here.
//float halflen = dhalflens[gid];
// how long until the snowball reaches the y depth:
float tstar = ty / svy;
float truckx = tx + txv * tstar;
float sbx = svx * tstar;
//check snowball location.
//Project video says HALF_LENGTH but I don't see that in the template file.
if( fabs(truckx - sbx) < dhalflens[gid])
dhits[gid] = 1;
// main program:
main( int argc, char* argv[ ] )
TimeOfDaySeed( );
//int dev = findCudaDevice(argc, (const char **)argv);
float *htxs = new float [NUMTRIALS];
float *htys = new float [NUMTRIALS];
float *htxvs = new float [NUMTRIALS];
float *hsvs = new float [NUMTRIALS];
float *hsths = new float [NUMTRIALS];
float *hhalflens = new float [NUMTRIALS];
// fill the random-value arrays:
for( int n = 0; n < NUMTRIALS; n++ )
htxs[n] = Ranf( TXMIN, TXMAX );
htys[n] = Ranf( TYMIN, TYMAX );
htxvs[n] = Ranf( TXVMIN, TXVMAX );
hsvs[n] = Ranf( SVMIN, SVMAX );
hsths[n] = Ranf( STHMIN, STHMAX );
hhalflens[n] = Ranf( HALFLENMIN, HALFLENMAX );
int *hhits = new int [NUMTRIALS];
// allocate device memory:
float *dtxs, *dtys, *dtxvs, *dsvs, *dsths, *dhalflens;
int *dhits;
//cudaError_t status;
cudaMalloc( (void **)(&dtxs), NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float) );
CudaCheckError( );
//Malloc the space for the devices ones.
cudaMalloc((void **)(&dtys), NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float) );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMalloc((void **)(&dtxvs), NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float) );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMalloc((void **)(&dsvs), NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float) );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMalloc((void **)(&dsths), NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float) );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMalloc((void **)(&dhalflens), NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float) );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMalloc((void **)(&dhits), NUMTRIALS*sizeof(int) );
CudaCheckError( );
// copy host memory to the device:
cudaMemcpy( dtxs, htxs, NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMemcpy( dtys, htys, NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMemcpy( dtxvs, htxvs, NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMemcpy( dsvs, hsvs, NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMemcpy( dsths, hsths, NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaMemcpy( dhalflens, hhalflens, NUMTRIALS*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
CudaCheckError( );
//The project video doesn't show this being done.....but it's part of the function...
cudaMemcpy( dhits, hhits, NUMTRIALS*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
CudaCheckError( );
// setup the execution parameters:
dim3 threads(BLOCKSIZE, 1, 1 );
dim3 grid(NUMBLOCKS, 1, 1 );
// create and start timer
cudaDeviceSynchronize( );
// allocate CUDA events that we'll use for timing:
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
cudaEventCreate( &start );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaEventCreate( &stop );
CudaCheckError( );
// record the start event:
cudaEventRecord( start, NULL );
CudaCheckError( );
// execute the kernel:
MonteCarlo<<< grid, threads >>>( dtxs, dtys, dtxvs, dsvs, dsths, dhalflens, dhits );
// record the stop event:
cudaEventRecord( stop, NULL );
CudaCheckError( );
// wait for the stop event to complete:
cudaEventSynchronize( stop );
CudaCheckError( );
float msecTotal = 0.0f;
cudaEventElapsedTime( &msecTotal, start, stop );
CudaCheckError( );
// copy result from the device to the host:
cudaMemcpy( hhits, dhits, NUMTRIALS *sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
CudaCheckError( );
// compute the sum :
int numHits = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < NUMTRIALS; i++)
numHits += hhits[i];
//fprintf(stderr, "hhits[%d] = %5d ; Total numHits = %5d\n", i, hhits[i], numHits);
float probability = 100.f * (float)numHits / (float)NUMTRIALS;
// compute and printL
double secondsTotal = 0.001 * (double)msecTotal;
double trialsPerSecond = (float)NUMTRIALS / secondsTotal;
double megaTrialsPerSecond = trialsPerSecond / 1000000.;
fprintf( stderr, "Number of Trials = %10d, Blocksize = %8d, MegaTrials/Second = %10.4lf, Probability = %6.2f%%\n",
NUMTRIALS, BLOCKSIZE, megaTrialsPerSecond, probability );
// clean up memory:
delete [ ] htxs;
delete [ ] htys;
delete [ ] htxvs;
delete [ ] hsvs;
delete [ ] hsths;
delete [ ] hhits;
cudaFree( dtxs );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaFree( dtys );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaFree( dtxvs );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaFree( dsvs );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaFree( dsths );
CudaCheckError( );
cudaFree( dhits );
CudaCheckError( );
return 0;
Ranf( float low, float high )
float r = (float) rand(); // 0 - RAND_MAX
float t = r / (float) RAND_MAX; // 0. - 1.
return low + t * ( high - low );
Ranf( int ilow, int ihigh )
float low = (float)ilow;
float high = ceil( (float)ihigh );
return (int) Ranf(low,high);
TimeOfDaySeed( )
struct tm y2k = { 0 };
y2k.tm_hour = 0; y2k.tm_min = 0; y2k.tm_sec = 0;
y2k.tm_year = 100; y2k.tm_mon = 0; y2k.tm_mday = 1;
time_t timer;
time( &timer );
double seconds = difftime( timer, mktime(&y2k) );
unsigned int seed = (unsigned int)( 1000.*seconds ); // milliseconds
srand( seed );