
986 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright 1993-2013 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Please refer to the NVIDIA end user license agreement (EULA) associated
* with this source code for terms and conditions that govern your use of
* this software. Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or distribution of
* this software and related documentation outside the terms of the EULA
* is strictly prohibited.
// These are helper functions for the SDK samples (image,bitmap)
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
#define EXIT_WAIVED 2
#include "exception.h"
#include "helper_string.h"
// namespace unnamed (internal)
namespace helper_image_internal {
//! size of PGM file header
const unsigned int PGMHeaderSize = 0x40;
// types
//! Data converter from unsigned char / unsigned byte to type T
template <class T>
struct ConverterFromUByte;
//! Data converter from unsigned char / unsigned byte
template <>
struct ConverterFromUByte<unsigned char> {
//! Conversion operator
//! @return converted value
//! @param val value to convert
float operator()(const unsigned char &val) {
return static_cast<unsigned char>(val);
//! Data converter from unsigned char / unsigned byte to float
template <>
struct ConverterFromUByte<float> {
//! Conversion operator
//! @return converted value
//! @param val value to convert
float operator()(const unsigned char &val) {
return static_cast<float>(val) / 255.0f;
//! Data converter from unsigned char / unsigned byte to type T
template <class T>
struct ConverterToUByte;
//! Data converter from unsigned char / unsigned byte to unsigned int
template <>
struct ConverterToUByte<unsigned char> {
//! Conversion operator (essentially a passthru
//! @return converted value
//! @param val value to convert
unsigned char operator()(const unsigned char &val) { return val; }
//! Data converter from unsigned char / unsigned byte to unsigned int
template <>
struct ConverterToUByte<float> {
//! Conversion operator
//! @return converted value
//! @param val value to convert
unsigned char operator()(const float &val) {
return static_cast<unsigned char>(val * 255.0f);
} // namespace helper_image_internal
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64)
#ifndef FOPEN
#define FOPEN(fHandle, filename, mode) fopen_s(&fHandle, filename, mode)
#ifndef FOPEN_FAIL
#define FOPEN_FAIL(result) (result != 0)
#ifndef SSCANF
#define SSCANF sscanf_s
#ifndef FOPEN
#define FOPEN(fHandle, filename, mode) (fHandle = fopen(filename, mode))
#ifndef FOPEN_FAIL
#define FOPEN_FAIL(result) (result == NULL)
#ifndef SSCANF
#define SSCANF sscanf
inline bool __loadPPM(const char *file, unsigned char **data, unsigned int *w,
unsigned int *h, unsigned int *channels) {
FILE *fp = NULL;
if (FOPEN_FAIL(FOPEN(fp, file, "rb"))) {
std::cerr << "__LoadPPM() : Failed to open file: " << file << std::endl;
return false;
// check header
char header[helper_image_internal::PGMHeaderSize];
if (fgets(header, helper_image_internal::PGMHeaderSize, fp) == NULL) {
std::cerr << "__LoadPPM() : reading PGM header returned NULL" << std::endl;
return false;
if (strncmp(header, "P5", 2) == 0) {
*channels = 1;
} else if (strncmp(header, "P6", 2) == 0) {
*channels = 3;
} else {
std::cerr << "__LoadPPM() : File is not a PPM or PGM image" << std::endl;
*channels = 0;
return false;
// parse header, read maxval, width and height
unsigned int width = 0;
unsigned int height = 0;
unsigned int maxval = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
if (fgets(header, helper_image_internal::PGMHeaderSize, fp) == NULL) {
std::cerr << "__LoadPPM() : reading PGM header returned NULL"
<< std::endl;
return false;
if (header[0] == '#') {
if (i == 0) {
i += SSCANF(header, "%u %u %u", &width, &height, &maxval);
} else if (i == 1) {
i += SSCANF(header, "%u %u", &height, &maxval);
} else if (i == 2) {
i += SSCANF(header, "%u", &maxval);
// check if given handle for the data is initialized
if (NULL != *data) {
if (*w != width || *h != height) {
std::cerr << "__LoadPPM() : Invalid image dimensions." << std::endl;
} else {
*data = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * width * height *
*w = width;
*h = height;
// read and close file
if (fread(*data, sizeof(unsigned char), width * height * *channels, fp) ==
0) {
std::cerr << "__LoadPPM() read data returned error." << std::endl;
return true;
template <class T>
inline bool sdkLoadPGM(const char *file, T **data, unsigned int *w,
unsigned int *h) {
unsigned char *idata = NULL;
unsigned int channels;
if (true != __loadPPM(file, &idata, w, h, &channels)) {
return false;
unsigned int size = *w * *h * channels;
// initialize mem if necessary
// the correct size is checked / set in loadPGMc()
if (NULL == *data) {
*data = reinterpret_cast<T *>(malloc(sizeof(T) * size));
// copy and cast data
std::transform(idata, idata + size, *data,
return true;
template <class T>
inline bool sdkLoadPPM4(const char *file, T **data, unsigned int *w,
unsigned int *h) {
unsigned char *idata = 0;
unsigned int channels;
if (__loadPPM(file, &idata, w, h, &channels)) {
// pad 4th component
int size = *w * *h;
// keep the original pointer
unsigned char *idata_orig = idata;
*data = reinterpret_cast<T *>(malloc(sizeof(T) * size * 4));
unsigned char *ptr = *data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
*ptr++ = *idata++;
*ptr++ = *idata++;
*ptr++ = *idata++;
*ptr++ = 0;
return true;
} else {
return false;
inline bool __savePPM(const char *file, unsigned char *data, unsigned int w,
unsigned int h, unsigned int channels) {
assert(NULL != data);
assert(w > 0);
assert(h > 0);
std::fstream fh(file, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary);
if (fh.bad()) {
std::cerr << "__savePPM() : Opening file failed." << std::endl;
return false;
if (channels == 1) {
fh << "P5\n";
} else if (channels == 3) {
fh << "P6\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "__savePPM() : Invalid number of channels." << std::endl;
return false;
fh << w << "\n" << h << "\n" << 0xff << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; (i < (w * h * channels)) && fh.good(); ++i) {
fh << data[i];
if (fh.bad()) {
std::cerr << "__savePPM() : Writing data failed." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
template <class T>
inline bool sdkSavePGM(const char *file, T *data, unsigned int w,
unsigned int h) {
unsigned int size = w * h;
unsigned char *idata = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * size);
std::transform(data, data + size, idata,
// write file
bool result = __savePPM(file, idata, w, h, 1);
// cleanup
return result;
inline bool sdkSavePPM4ub(const char *file, unsigned char *data, unsigned int w,
unsigned int h) {
// strip 4th component
int size = w * h;
unsigned char *ndata =
(unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * size * 3);
unsigned char *ptr = ndata;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
*ptr++ = *data++;
*ptr++ = *data++;
*ptr++ = *data++;
bool result = __savePPM(file, ndata, w, h, 3);
return result;
//! Read file \filename and return the data
//! @return bool if reading the file succeeded, otherwise false
//! @param filename name of the source file
//! @param data uninitialized pointer, returned initialized and pointing to
//! the data read
//! @param len number of data elements in data, -1 on error
template <class T>
inline bool sdkReadFile(const char *filename, T **data, unsigned int *len,
bool verbose) {
// check input arguments
assert(NULL != filename);
assert(NULL != len);
// intermediate storage for the data read
std::vector<T> data_read;
// open file for reading
FILE *fh = NULL;
// check if filestream is valid
if (FOPEN_FAIL(FOPEN(fh, filename, "r"))) {
printf("Unable to open input file: %s\n", filename);
return false;
// read all data elements
T token;
while (!feof(fh)) {
fscanf(fh, "%f", &token);
// the last element is read twice
// check if the given handle is already initialized
if (NULL != *data) {
if (*len != data_read.size()) {
std::cerr << "sdkReadFile() : Initialized memory given but "
<< "size mismatch with signal read "
<< "(data read / data init = " << (unsigned int)data_read.size()
<< " / " << *len << ")" << std::endl;
return false;
} else {
// allocate storage for the data read
*data = reinterpret_cast<T *>(malloc(sizeof(T) * data_read.size()));
// store signal size
*len = static_cast<unsigned int>(data_read.size());
// copy data
memcpy(*data, &data_read.front(), sizeof(T) * data_read.size());
return true;
//! Read file \filename and return the data
//! @return bool if reading the file succeeded, otherwise false
//! @param filename name of the source file
//! @param data uninitialized pointer, returned initialized and pointing to
//! the data read
//! @param len number of data elements in data, -1 on error
template <class T>
inline bool sdkReadFileBlocks(const char *filename, T **data, unsigned int *len,
unsigned int block_num, unsigned int block_size,
bool verbose) {
// check input arguments
assert(NULL != filename);
assert(NULL != len);
// open file for reading
FILE *fh = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (fh == NULL && verbose) {
std::cerr << "sdkReadFile() : Opening file failed." << std::endl;
return false;
// check if the given handle is already initialized
// allocate storage for the data read
data[block_num] = reinterpret_cast<T *>(malloc(block_size));
// read all data elements
fseek(fh, block_num * block_size, SEEK_SET);
*len = fread(data[block_num], sizeof(T), block_size / sizeof(T), fh);
return true;
//! Write a data file \filename
//! @return true if writing the file succeeded, otherwise false
//! @param filename name of the source file
//! @param data data to write
//! @param len number of data elements in data, -1 on error
//! @param epsilon epsilon for comparison
template <class T, class S>
inline bool sdkWriteFile(const char *filename, const T *data, unsigned int len,
const S epsilon, bool verbose, bool append = false) {
assert(NULL != filename);
assert(NULL != data);
// open file for writing
// if (append) {
std::fstream fh(filename, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::ate);
if (verbose) {
std::cerr << "sdkWriteFile() : Open file " << filename
<< " for write/append." << std::endl;
/* } else {
std::fstream fh(filename, std::fstream::out);
if (verbose) {
std::cerr << "sdkWriteFile() : Open file " << filename << " for
write." << std::endl;
// check if filestream is valid
if (!fh.good()) {
if (verbose) {
std::cerr << "sdkWriteFile() : Opening file failed." << std::endl;
return false;
// first write epsilon
fh << "# " << epsilon << "\n";
// write data
for (unsigned int i = 0; (i < len) && (fh.good()); ++i) {
fh << data[i] << ' ';
// Check if writing succeeded
if (!fh.good()) {
if (verbose) {
std::cerr << "sdkWriteFile() : Writing file failed." << std::endl;
return false;
// file ends with nl
fh << std::endl;
return true;
//! Compare two arrays of arbitrary type
//! @return true if \a reference and \a data are identical, otherwise false
//! @param reference timer_interface to the reference data / gold image
//! @param data handle to the computed data
//! @param len number of elements in reference and data
//! @param epsilon epsilon to use for the comparison
template <class T, class S>
inline bool compareData(const T *reference, const T *data,
const unsigned int len, const S epsilon,
const float threshold) {
assert(epsilon >= 0);
bool result = true;
unsigned int error_count = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
float diff = static_cast<float>(reference[i]) - static_cast<float>(data[i]);
bool comp = (diff <= epsilon) && (diff >= -epsilon);
result &= comp;
error_count += !comp;
#if 0
if (!comp) {
std::cerr << "ERROR, i = " << i << ",\t "
<< reference[i] << " / "
<< data[i]
<< " (reference / data)\n";
if (threshold == 0.0f) {
return (result) ? true : false;
} else {
if (error_count) {
printf("%4.2f(%%) of bytes mismatched (count=%d)\n",
static_cast<float>(error_count) * 100 / static_cast<float>(len),
return (len * threshold > error_count) ? true : false;
#define __MIN_EPSILON_ERROR 1e-3f
//! Compare two arrays of arbitrary type
//! @return true if \a reference and \a data are identical, otherwise false
//! @param reference handle to the reference data / gold image
//! @param data handle to the computed data
//! @param len number of elements in reference and data
//! @param epsilon epsilon to use for the comparison
//! @param epsilon threshold % of (# of bytes) for pass/fail
template <class T, class S>
inline bool compareDataAsFloatThreshold(const T *reference, const T *data,
const unsigned int len, const S epsilon,
const float threshold) {
assert(epsilon >= 0);
// If we set epsilon to be 0, let's set a minimum threshold
float max_error = MAX((float)epsilon, __MIN_EPSILON_ERROR);
int error_count = 0;
bool result = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
float diff =
fabs(static_cast<float>(reference[i]) - static_cast<float>(data[i]));
bool comp = (diff < max_error);
result &= comp;
if (!comp) {
if (threshold == 0.0f) {
if (error_count) {
printf("total # of errors = %d\n", error_count);
return (error_count == 0) ? true : false;
} else {
if (error_count) {
printf("%4.2f(%%) of bytes mismatched (count=%d)\n",
static_cast<float>(error_count) * 100 / static_cast<float>(len),
return ((len * threshold > error_count) ? true : false);
inline void sdkDumpBin(void *data, unsigned int bytes, const char *filename) {
printf("sdkDumpBin: <%s>\n", filename);
FILE *fp;
FOPEN(fp, filename, "wb");
fwrite(data, bytes, 1, fp);
inline bool sdkCompareBin2BinUint(const char *src_file, const char *ref_file,
unsigned int nelements, const float epsilon,
const float threshold, char *exec_path) {
unsigned int *src_buffer, *ref_buffer;
FILE *src_fp = NULL, *ref_fp = NULL;
uint64_t error_count = 0;
size_t fsize = 0;
if (FOPEN_FAIL(FOPEN(src_fp, src_file, "rb"))) {
printf("compareBin2Bin <unsigned int> unable to open src_file: %s\n",
char *ref_file_path = sdkFindFilePath(ref_file, exec_path);
if (ref_file_path == NULL) {
printf("compareBin2Bin <unsigned int> unable to find <%s> in <%s>\n",
ref_file, exec_path);
printf(">>> Check info.xml and [project//data] folder <%s> <<<\n",
printf("Aborting comparison!\n");
printf(" FAILED\n");
if (src_fp) {
if (ref_fp) {
} else {
if (FOPEN_FAIL(FOPEN(ref_fp, ref_file_path, "rb"))) {
"compareBin2Bin <unsigned int>"
" unable to open ref_file: %s\n",
if (src_fp && ref_fp) {
src_buffer = (unsigned int *)malloc(nelements * sizeof(unsigned int));
ref_buffer = (unsigned int *)malloc(nelements * sizeof(unsigned int));
fsize = fread(src_buffer, nelements, sizeof(unsigned int), src_fp);
fsize = fread(ref_buffer, nelements, sizeof(unsigned int), ref_fp);
"> compareBin2Bin <unsigned int> nelements=%d,"
" epsilon=%4.2f, threshold=%4.2f\n",
nelements, epsilon, threshold);
printf(" src_file <%s>, size=%d bytes\n", src_file,
printf(" ref_file <%s>, size=%d bytes\n", ref_file_path,
if (!compareData<unsigned int, float>(ref_buffer, src_buffer, nelements,
epsilon, threshold)) {
} else {
if (src_fp) {
if (ref_fp) {
if (error_count == 0) {
printf(" OK\n");
} else {
printf(" FAILURE: %d errors...\n", (unsigned int)error_count);
return (error_count == 0); // returns true if all pixels pass
inline bool sdkCompareBin2BinFloat(const char *src_file, const char *ref_file,
unsigned int nelements, const float epsilon,
const float threshold, char *exec_path) {
float *src_buffer = NULL, *ref_buffer = NULL;
FILE *src_fp = NULL, *ref_fp = NULL;
size_t fsize = 0;
uint64_t error_count = 0;
if (FOPEN_FAIL(FOPEN(src_fp, src_file, "rb"))) {
printf("compareBin2Bin <float> unable to open src_file: %s\n", src_file);
error_count = 1;
char *ref_file_path = sdkFindFilePath(ref_file, exec_path);
if (ref_file_path == NULL) {
printf("compareBin2Bin <float> unable to find <%s> in <%s>\n", ref_file,
printf(">>> Check info.xml and [project//data] folder <%s> <<<\n",
printf("Aborting comparison!\n");
printf(" FAILED\n");
if (src_fp) {
if (ref_fp) {
} else {
if (FOPEN_FAIL(FOPEN(ref_fp, ref_file_path, "rb"))) {
printf("compareBin2Bin <float> unable to open ref_file: %s\n",
error_count = 1;
if (src_fp && ref_fp) {
src_buffer = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(nelements * sizeof(float)));
ref_buffer = reinterpret_cast<float *>(malloc(nelements * sizeof(float)));
"> compareBin2Bin <float> nelements=%d, epsilon=%4.2f,"
" threshold=%4.2f\n",
nelements, epsilon, threshold);
fsize = fread(src_buffer, sizeof(float), nelements, src_fp);
printf(" src_file <%s>, size=%d bytes\n", src_file,
static_cast<int>(fsize * sizeof(float)));
fsize = fread(ref_buffer, sizeof(float), nelements, ref_fp);
printf(" ref_file <%s>, size=%d bytes\n", ref_file_path,
static_cast<int>(fsize * sizeof(float)));
if (!compareDataAsFloatThreshold<float, float>(
ref_buffer, src_buffer, nelements, epsilon, threshold)) {
} else {
if (src_fp) {
if (ref_fp) {
if (error_count == 0) {
printf(" OK\n");
} else {
printf(" FAILURE: %d errors...\n", (unsigned int)error_count);
return (error_count == 0); // returns true if all pixels pass
inline bool sdkCompareL2fe(const float *reference, const float *data,
const unsigned int len, const float epsilon) {
assert(epsilon >= 0);
float error = 0;
float ref = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
float diff = reference[i] - data[i];
error += diff * diff;
ref += reference[i] * reference[i];
float normRef = sqrtf(ref);
if (fabs(ref) < 1e-7) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cerr << "ERROR, reference l2-norm is 0\n";
return false;
float normError = sqrtf(error);
error = normError / normRef;
bool result = error < epsilon;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (!result) {
std::cerr << "ERROR, l2-norm error " << error << " is greater than epsilon "
<< epsilon << "\n";
return result;
inline bool sdkLoadPPMub(const char *file, unsigned char **data,
unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h) {
unsigned int channels;
return __loadPPM(file, data, w, h, &channels);
inline bool sdkLoadPPM4ub(const char *file, unsigned char **data,
unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h) {
unsigned char *idata = 0;
unsigned int channels;
if (__loadPPM(file, &idata, w, h, &channels)) {
// pad 4th component
int size = *w * *h;
// keep the original pointer
unsigned char *idata_orig = idata;
*data = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * size * 4);
unsigned char *ptr = *data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
*ptr++ = *idata++;
*ptr++ = *idata++;
*ptr++ = *idata++;
*ptr++ = 0;
return true;
} else {
return false;
inline bool sdkComparePPM(const char *src_file, const char *ref_file,
const float epsilon, const float threshold,
bool verboseErrors) {
unsigned char *src_data, *ref_data;
uint64_t error_count = 0;
unsigned int ref_width, ref_height;
unsigned int src_width, src_height;
if (src_file == NULL || ref_file == NULL) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "PPMvsPPM: src_file or ref_file is NULL."
" Aborting comparison\n";
return false;
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "> Compare (a)rendered: <" << src_file << ">\n";
std::cerr << "> (b)reference: <" << ref_file << ">\n";
if (sdkLoadPPM4ub(ref_file, &ref_data, &ref_width, &ref_height) != true) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "PPMvsPPM: unable to load ref image file: " << ref_file
<< "\n";
return false;
if (sdkLoadPPM4ub(src_file, &src_data, &src_width, &src_height) != true) {
std::cerr << "PPMvsPPM: unable to load src image file: " << src_file
<< "\n";
return false;
if (src_height != ref_height || src_width != ref_width) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "PPMvsPPM: source and ref size mismatch (" << src_width
<< "," << src_height << ")vs(" << ref_width << "," << ref_height
<< ")\n";
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "PPMvsPPM: comparing images size (" << src_width << ","
<< src_height << ") epsilon(" << epsilon << "), threshold("
<< threshold * 100 << "%)\n";
if (compareData(ref_data, src_data, src_width * src_height * 4, epsilon,
threshold) == false) {
error_count = 1;
if (error_count == 0) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << " OK\n\n";
} else {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << " FAILURE! " << error_count << " errors...\n\n";
// returns true if all pixels pass
return (error_count == 0) ? true : false;
inline bool sdkComparePGM(const char *src_file, const char *ref_file,
const float epsilon, const float threshold,
bool verboseErrors) {
unsigned char *src_data = 0, *ref_data = 0;
uint64_t error_count = 0;
unsigned int ref_width, ref_height;
unsigned int src_width, src_height;
if (src_file == NULL || ref_file == NULL) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "PGMvsPGM: src_file or ref_file is NULL."
" Aborting comparison\n";
return false;
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "> Compare (a)rendered: <" << src_file << ">\n";
std::cerr << "> (b)reference: <" << ref_file << ">\n";
if (sdkLoadPPMub(ref_file, &ref_data, &ref_width, &ref_height) != true) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "PGMvsPGM: unable to load ref image file: " << ref_file
<< "\n";
return false;
if (sdkLoadPPMub(src_file, &src_data, &src_width, &src_height) != true) {
std::cerr << "PGMvsPGM: unable to load src image file: " << src_file
<< "\n";
return false;
if (src_height != ref_height || src_width != ref_width) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << "PGMvsPGM: source and ref size mismatch (" << src_width
<< "," << src_height << ")vs(" << ref_width << "," << ref_height
<< ")\n";
if (verboseErrors)
std::cerr << "PGMvsPGM: comparing images size (" << src_width << ","
<< src_height << ") epsilon(" << epsilon << "), threshold("
<< threshold * 100 << "%)\n";
if (compareData(ref_data, src_data, src_width * src_height, epsilon,
threshold) == false) {
error_count = 1;
if (error_count == 0) {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << " OK\n\n";
} else {
if (verboseErrors) {
std::cerr << " FAILURE! " << error_count << " errors...\n\n";
// returns true if all pixels pass
return (error_count == 0) ? true : false;