#Ronin's LeftWM config file #Use the super key modkey = "Mod4" mousekey = "Shift" disable_window_snap = true focus_behaviour = "ClickTo" focus_new_windows = true layouts = [ "MainAndDeck", "MainAndVertStack", "MainAndHorizontalStack", "GridHorizontal", "EvenHorizontal", "EvenVertical", "Fibonacci", "CenterMain", "CenterMainBalanced", "Monocle", "RightWiderLeftStack", "LeftWiderRightStack", ] # Can be Workspace or Tag layout_mode = "Tag" #Tags because I can't get workspaces to work....lol tags = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] #tags = ["Passwords", "firefox1", "terminal", "PDF/Docs", "Music", "Empty"] #My workspace configs workspaces = [] #ScratchPads #stuff you can call to any tag/workspace #for my terminal emulator [[scratchpad]] name = "sakura" value = "WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR=1 sakura" x = 0.46 y = 0.20 height = 0.80 width = 0.54 #for web browser [[scratchpad]] name = "firefox" value = "WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR=1 sakura" x = 0.46 y = 0.20 height = 0.80 width = 0.54 ###################################33 #KEYBINDS ############################# #Locking [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "i3lock --image ~/Pictures/freebsd_001.png -e --clock --radius 120 --ring-width 10 --line-color ff0000ff --ring-color FFFFFFFF --insidever-color 000000FF --ringver-color FFFFFFFF --keyhl-color ff0000ff --separator-color 00000000 --verif-text='' --wrong-text='X'" modifier = ["Control", "Alt"] key = "l" #Actions/Windows [[keybind]] command = "CloseWindow" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "q" [[keybind]] command = "ToggleFullScreen" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "f" #Navigation [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "1" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "1" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "2" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "2" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "3" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "3" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "4" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "4" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "5" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "5" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "6" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "6" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "7" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "7" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "8" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "8" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "9" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "9" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "1" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "1" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "2" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "2" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "3" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "3" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "4" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "4" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "5" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "5" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "6" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "6" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "7" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "7" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "8" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "8" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "9" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "9" ############################# #Navigation #Workspace focus [[keybind]] command = "FocusWorkspaceNext" modifier = ["Control", "Alt"] key = "Right" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWorkspacePrevious" modifier = ["Control", "Alt"] key = "Left" ############################# #Programs #Open up dmenu with user applications [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "ls /usr/local/bin/ | dmenu -fn firacode -l 15 -p '==>' -i -nb black -nf red -sb red -sf black | sh" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "p" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "dmenu_run -fn firacode -p '-->'" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "a" #Starts Sakura or Other Terminal emulator [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "sakura" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "t" #Starts the calculator app [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "speedcrunch" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "c" ############################# #Audio/Media Keys # Volume Keys [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "mixer vol +10" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "mixer vol -10" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "mixer vol 0" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_AudioMute" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "mixer mic 0" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_AudioMicMute" # Volume Keys [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "mixer vol +5" modifier = ["Control", "Alt"] key = "Up" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "mixer vol -10" modifier = ["Control", "Alt"] key = "Down" #Media play pause ect # Brightness keys [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "light -U 5" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "light -A 5" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp" ############################# #RELOAD #Soft reloads the leftwm stuff [[keybind]] command = "SoftReload" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "r" #Hard reloads the leftwm stuff. [[keybind]] command = "HardReload" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "h"