# Motorized Fader ## Description Program for the ATtiny13A that controls a motorized fader by moving into a saved position read out of EEPROM memory. ## Requirements **Hadware:** - ATtiny13A/ATtiny45/ATtiny85. - usbasp programmer. - UNIX computer(to use the scripts for automation). **Software:** - avr-gcc - avrdude(<=7.0) - CMAKE(<= 3.20) ## Instructions ### Building Hex Files Builds the binary hex files. They are located in the `build/src/` directory found in the project root. ```sh cd ./ echo "2" | ./otto.sh ``` ### Automated Flashing Hex Files Builds then flashes the binary hex files onto the micro-controller ```sh cd ./ echo "4" | ./otto.sh ``` ### Running Tests The code below will run the cpputest tests in verbose and color mode. ```sh cd ./ echo "1" | ./otto.sh ```